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Please sign the waiver below prior to enjoying our trails.
Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risks, and Indemnity Agreement (hereinafter “Release”)
By signing this release you will waive or give up certain rights, including the right to sue SEOTC, the property owners, the persons who helped build and maintain the trail, and other riders for any purpose. You are also acknowledging that your access to this trail is governed by Title 70 § 10.1- which provides that an owner (or holder) who provides land for outdoor recreational purposes owes no duty of care to keep the land safe for entry or use by others or to give warning to persons entering or using the land of any hazardous conditions, structures, or activities. By initialing you acknowledge that you are aware that there is no duty to provide you any of this information and that it may not be accurate. You agree that you are entering and participating wholly at your own risk.
I agree to the Release.
Notice to Riders, Parents, Guardians
You must take time to read and review this Release and each of its components. Failure for you, your child, or your ward to follow the rules herein may result in your expulsion from the trail system. Failure to follow the rules by you, your child, or your ward may also expose you to liability if you injure someone else or harm the property of another. By initialing here you acknowledge and agree that you will comply and ensure your child(ren) and ward(s) compliance with the rules herein and will hold harmless the SEOTC, property owners, volunteers, or person who help build and maintain the trail from any and all liability created by you or your actions.
I agree to the Notice to Riders, Parents, Guardians.
Representations of conditions or Degree of Difficulty
Some trails may have marking regarding their degree of difficulty relative to the other trails in the system. You acknowledge that ALL TRAILS ARE DIFFICULT AND DANGEROUS. They are built by volunteers without any special skills or knowledge. All Riders acknowledge that bicycling – whether on an off-road trail or otherwise – poses an inherent risk of crash, and of injury, and all Riders accept sole responsibility for any crashes or injuries, and for their overall safety. All Riders acknowledge that bicycling, and particularly offroad trail riding, requires a minimum baseline of fitness, skill and proficiency, and that off-road trail riding may not be appropriate for first time or novice riders, or those with an insufficient fitness or skill level for any particular trial, or a particular segment of a trail. Some off-road trails may require intermediate skills, advanced skills, or even expert skills. Regardless of skill level, crashes and injuries are an inherent part of biking, and particularly of off-road trail biking. You agree to assume all risks regarding your participation in MBO rides or events. KNOW THAT ALL MBO SCHEDULED RIDES REQUIRE – AT LEAST – INTERMEDIATE LEVEL MOUNTAIN BIKE SKILLS AND FITNESS. Novice riders SHOULD NOT ride the MBO scheduled rides, and should seek other available options within their skill and fitness level. All Riders acknowledge they are solely responsible for determining whether they are qualified to ride any particular trail, or a particular segment of a trail. If in doubt, Riders should dismount their bikes and walk / bike-hike their bikes until they are confident their skill level is appropriate for the trail or trail segment. All Riders acknowledge that, regarding off-road bike trials, they will be riding on unpaved and extremely uneven, rough trails which do not have guard or safety railings, likely have not been professionally designed, engineered, or maintained, and which may not have not been designed, engineered, or maintained as bike trails / may be multi-use bike and/or hiking and/or horse-riding trails, and that by their very nature, may have sharp turns, blind turns, switchbacks, loose gravel or other loose surfaces, sudden obstacles such as rocks, trees, branches, streams, or drop offs, and by their very nature may result in bicycle crashes, including but not limited to collisions with trees, rocks, the ground, rocky ground, other objects – including bikers, hikers on-trail, possible loss of control of the bicycle in any number of ways, going off trail, going off trail and downhill, or countless other potential hazards and possibilities that could result in crashes and injury. All Riders acknowledge that bike trails are typically unmarked as to the route, upcoming terrain changes or obstacles, nor are they marked as to the required skill level for any particular trail or segment of trail. All Riders accept these realities, and each Rider is solely responsible for riding within their own limits regarding skill, speed, terrain, use of helmets and/or padding or armor, fitness, and all other aspects of their riding.
I agree to the Representations of conditions or Degree of Difficulty.
Agreement to Stay on Trail and Ride Responsibility
All Riders agree not to leave designated and obvious trails, and not to go off-trail. All Riders agree to avoid – commensurate for the Rider – reckless and excessive speed or maneuvers, and particularly to avoid reckless and excessive speed or maneuvers around other riders, and around hikers that may be on-trail. all Riders are required to adhere to common etiquette and bike courtesy, and to operate safely around other Riders or persons. All Riders accept these responsibilities, and agree they are solely responsible for their safety, the safety of Riders who are minors in their charge, and for any injuries sustained to them, minors in their charge, or to other Riders, or to hikers on-trail, caused by the Rider’s actions.
I agree to the Agreement to Stay on Trail and Ride Responsibility.
Helmet and Armor/Padding
All riders must wear a bike helmet that is not less than one year old (older helmets become brittle and less effective), wear appropriate body armor or padding, ride within their limits of speed and control, and always ride within their group – not straying off and riding alone. Riders are encouraged to aide other riders and act in the spirit of support and camaraderie.
I agree to the Helmet and Armor/Padding policy.
Health Insurance – Have It!
Because crashes and injuries are an inherent part of biking, and particularly of off-road trail biking, it is strongly recommended that all riders have adequate health insurance. Medical costs or related costs to you shall not be the responsibility of SEOTC or the other released parties under any circumstances.
I agree to the Health Insurance notice.
Trail Maps and Locations
It is your responsibility to research the trails and be familiar with the trails before you ride them. Make sure you have a charged phone in case of an emergency. Do not get separated from your group. Do not ride alone. There are signs, but the accuracy of those is not warranted – they may be wrong or they may not exist at all. It is solely your responsibility to know where you are going.
I agree to the Trail Maps and Locations notice.
Participant/Rider also agrees to waive, release from liability, hold harmless, defend and indemnify (including costs and attorney’s fees) SEOTC and its owners, partners, employees, directors, officers, agents, guides, volunteers, affiliates, event site/trail land owners, and related entities from any and all claims, whether for personal injury or property damage, resulting from their actions or the actions of their child(ren) or ward(s).
I agree to the Indemnification waiver.
Basic Trail Etiquette
1) Be aware of other trail users.
2) Stay to the right of the trail (except when passing).
3) Slow down at corners.
4) Always clean up after yourselves.
5) Obey all the trail rules.
6) Give a clear warning signal when passing: call out passing on your left.
7) Always look ahead and behind when passing.
7) Travel at reasonable speed.
8) Keep pets on a leash.
9) Move off the trail when letting others pass.
10) Yield to other trail-users when entering and crossing trail.
11) Stay on the trail (respect the environment, do not venture off the trails).
12) Do not litter.
13) Do not drink or contaminate water sources (wash 100 feet away from any nearby water source).
14) Do not make fires.
15) Respect wildlife. Your surroundings are home to many plants and animals: you are the visitor.
16) Obey all posted signs. These indicate special restrictions that apply to the trail you are on.
I agree to the Basic Trail Etiquette.
Hiking with Animals
1) Clean up after your animals.
2) Keep them on a leash.
3) Do not let your animal disturb wildlife or others.
4) Keep them on the trails.
I agree to the Hiking with Animals rules.
General Trail Etiquette for Certain Activities
Hikers, Walkers, Backpackers
1) Move off the trail whenever possible for other trail users.
2) Dogs can potentially injure other dogs or people. Be sure to keep your dog quiet, close to you and still when sharing a trail.
3) People going uphill have the right of way.
I agree to the Hikers, Walkers, Backpackers rules.
Mountain Biker’s Responsibility Code
1) Know your ability, equipment and the area.
2) Move off the trail for less mobile users, including hikers/runners.
3) Do not ride under conditions where you leave evidence of passing, i.e. after rain.
4) Stay on the trail.
5) Make presence known at corners or blind spots.
6) Control your bicycle.
7) Always yield trail.
8) Conscientious mountain bikers will call out as they come down steep slopes or blind switchbacks, and should also let you know if there are other bikers following them.
I agree to the Mountain Biker’s Responsibility Code.
Animals Rules
1) You may bring your dogs on the trail on a leash and if you clean up after them
2) You are advised that there is an abundance of wildlife here – all of which could cause you harm including beavers, deer, opossums, raccoons, maybe even a bear for all we know. You acknowledge by signing this that you are aware of the dangers of being around wildlife to you and your animal if applicable.
I agree to the Animals Rules.
Conditions Changing
1) The trail conditions change all the time. The representations made herein about the length, terrain, condition, etc. of the trail shall not be relied upon by you. They are subject to change without notice and it is YOUR job to make sure you are safe.
2) One specific item on this trail that is subject to change is beaver stubs, stumps – whatever you want to call them. Beavers cut down trees and in their place leave POINTY DANGEROUS SPEAR-LIKE stumps. It is your job to be aware of their presence and avoid them.
I agree to the Conditions Changing Rules.
Parking/Ancillary Items
I understand that although a parking area is provided for me, SEOTC and other released parties have no responsibility to secure, light, or otherwise make safe the parking area. I release SEOTC and the other released parties from any and all claims or damages resulting from using the parking area or any other ancillary service (bathrooms, port a potties, etc)
I agree to the Parking/Ancillary Items.
Name of Minor(s) or Ward(s) for which you are also executing this:
If you are signing this waiver as the guardian of minor(s) or ward(s), please submit their name(s) here.
News & Updates
I’d like to be informed of SEOTC news and updates.
Date of Birth
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By signing and submitting this form, you are agreeing to all of the above sections of this waiver.
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